Shalom Shalom

Shalom I gift…

Shalom Shalom
A peace given
Not because I deserve
But because You gift.

Shalom Shalom
A peace I cannot comprehend
Beyond understanding
You left Shalom to me

Fear Not, My child
You said.

I am here,
Do not worry.
You said.

Joy to the fullness,
I have given to you.

Light to my path,
I have prepared for you.

Love without condition,
You have given to me.

Confused and lost,
You are my direction.

Desire to see more of You,
Flooding all my distraction.
Flooding all my disappointment.

You do not want heaven without me.
You came down,
You bleed.
You came down,
stripes rain on your body without mercy.
Stripes without mercy
Bones stared at You
Stripes became stripe.

Just for you and me.

Not willing to stop,
Until You know it is finished.

To the last breath,
You declared, It is finished!

Your hands open wide
Willingly You came,
Willingly You laid down Your life for me.

Embrace me into Your arms
Knowing I am saved, because it is finished.

Jesus, Your name, Savior.

Shalom Shalom
You used Your life to gift me this.

Shalom Shalom
You desire for my peace

Shalom Shalom
A gift that means eternal.

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