Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17, New King James Version(NKJV)
Rejoice in the Lord
Sermon note (4th svc) Whenever we read from the Bible and we read about destroying enemies, those enemies back then under the law are real enemies. It is also spiritual enemies; sicknesses and diseases. 2000 years ago, Jesus hang on the cross and by His stripe we are...
Who you say you are
Who do you say you are? ??? Our identity is anchored in Christ! When we fall, do we condemn ourselves? When we see our weaknesses, do we say that is who we...
Healing is a gift
Sermon note (3rd svc)- Pastor PrinceHealing is a gift.There is someone with back condition. If that is you, just bend your back right now. Someone is been healed of arm condition. Stretch it in Jesus' name. This is a grace gift operating right now. Gifts are all over...
Encounter Night
Sermon note (Encounter Night) - Pastor Prince Let his office another take (it is possible God called you to do something, you don't want to do it, God will give to somebody's else) We, children of God has joy of the Lord. Jesus said I would rather you are hot or cold,...
Glory in your weakness
Sermon note (3rd svc) Pastors feed the flock. Rain fall is always the Lord's blessing. Wave after wave. That is how everyday when you wake up, you see wave after wave of God's unmerited favour on us. God stepped out of the veil when Jesus cried it is finished at the...
Campus Worship Workshop
Worship Workshop - By Pastor Ronald There is a common language all over the world, worship. When Pastor first came to NCC, he was from traditional church. First thing that impacted him was worship. There was something different. He could not understand how the...
How favour can be increased in your life?
Sermon note (3rd svc) How favour can be increased in your life? Literally it is grace revolution going on now. Mega Fest has always been the largest conference. Pastor rejoice to see how the gospel is taking roots in the lives of pastors. God is restoring the gospel...
MegaFest Sermon
Sermon note (1st svc) - Mega Fest - Woman Thou Art Loosed 30 June 2017Jesus is in the midst of us! He was crucified in the midst.All we need to do is to consent to be loved.Divine appointment. Jesus is the King of kings. Who are the kings? We! He is altogether lovely....
Sermon note (3rd Svc) - Pastor Mark Forgiveness Whatever God touches is always beautiful. He always bring love to us. We as His sheep, we rest in Him He is the great High Priest. Grace is always an encounter of Jesus Christ. What God has done for us, He is the Vine...
Holy Communion
Sermon note - The Holy Communion brings life in your darkest hours (23 Nov 2014) Jesus is high Priest forever. Right in the centre of Hebrews, we find a whole chapter 7 of Hebrews on Melchizedek. We have many things to say about Melchizedek, but it is hard to say when...
Blessing of Abraham is mine!
Sermon note (4th svc) We will rise with eagle wings! God will be the One who anoints the fathers with fresh anointing this year. As fathers we don't have the time to receive the love as often. We are called to serve and lay aside our own desires. There is no perfect...
How to live a victorious life? (GenRev)
Sermon note (GenRev) -By Pastor Mark How to live a victorious life? In life is not what we can be, but what He can bring us to be. With the Lord all things are possible. How to be human? In our GenRev, what we are in this generation is different from 10...
Time to be intimate with grace
Sermon note (1st svc) - Healing Flows When Grace Is Exalted (8 July 2012) Jesus is a Healer. The world needs healing. God sent His Son and called His Son Saviour, Redeemer, Healer! Why healing is not so free flowing and experienced by the body of Christ as they...
Jehovah Rapha
Sermon note (3rd svc) - By Dr Marilyn Hickey Jehovah Rapha If you expect a miracle you receive it. If you expect nothing in particular, u will get nothing Healing is the bread of His children. July 1st she will be 86 years old. She is doing more in her 80s than in her...
Your breakthrough shall come to pass!
Sermon note (1st svc) - Pastor Lawrence Interview with Pastor Prince (A video on the interview at Joni Table Talk) Christianity is about heart's transformation Power of Right Believing Why a book on believe? Pastor Prince : Everything hinges on your belief. How to...
Humble ourselves and be exalted
Sermon note (4th svc) Humble ourselves and the Lord exalt us! To humble ourselves is to look away from self and look to Jesus! The Lord gives increase. One word from God can change your lives forever. God's Word even if u forget it, will work in you because you...
Anointing of the Lord
Sermon note (3rd svc) God had mothers in mind. The process of nurturing. No one can replace mothers. Blessing is not just a word thing. Blessing is something comes on you or release in you to empower you. Blessing of provision to cause you to get or create provision...
Yahweh Saves.
Sermon note (4th svc) Yahweh Saves. You rest and let Me do the delivering. You saw the illustration of the plant. The deeper root of stress is fear. Only the Word of God can go deeper than fear. It is condemnation. People are feeling guilty inside. Conscience make...
God said come near to Me
Sermon note (4th svc) God said Come Near to Me You are too blessed to be stressed. All the answers in life is in the Bible. All scripture is inspired of God. Is God-breathed. There is an amazing effect. Keep them (Word) in the midst of your hearts for they are life to...
Scarlet Cord
Sermon note (4th svc) by Reverend Marcus Lamb The Scarlet Cord From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks Joshua 2:18-21 unless, when we come into the land, you bind this line of scarlet cord in the window through which you let us down, and unless you bring...