Wave Upon Wave

Grace in place of Grace

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17, New King James Version(NKJV)

Sermon Note – Bold and Simple Faith

Sermon Notes (1st svc) Pastor Prince There is always something special and something good the Father has for His children when His children gather together.  The revelation of the length the height of the Lord is always when 2 or 3 gather together.  The Lord is always...

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Care Group – Absolute Grace

Care Group Everything we do and make is a gift that God has for us. With all the technology in the world there is more than enough food to feed everybody. There is enough for everybody to go to the bridge to build sandcastle and still be fed. God does not want us to...

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Sermon Note – Spirtual Warfare

Sermon Note – Spirtual Warfare

Sermon Note (4th svc) Pastor Lawrence Invincible in God’s armour  In Christ we have everything we need Psalms 118:1 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. God is good. The devil is bad. God is a good God and He wants to do good to...

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Sermon Note – Right Believing

Sermon Note – Right Believing

Sermon Note (2nd Svc) Pastor Prince Whenever a testimony is shared, there is a purpose Overcame the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the testimony Is what Jesus has done on the cross that cause our bodies to be healed and peace of mind.  Is what Jesus has done on...

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Care Group – Sermon Note

Care Group It is through our trials and challenges, that  He is our refuge  When things are rosy, we don’t see Him as refuge.  We are exactly where we are because He has placed us where we are.  The situation in life, we find favour and the choices we make, He has a...

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Sermon Note – The Joy of the Lord

Sermon Note – The Joy of the Lord

Sermon Note (4th svc) Pastor Prince We have this weapon and the gospel is your bread and drink and our lives! The gospel of grace is spreading all over the world.  Pastors of churches making impact all over the world.  Paul said the gospel that was given to me. ...

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Mooncake Festival Sermon Note (Hokkien)

Mooncake Festival Sermon Note (Hokkien)

Mooncake Festival Sermon Note Pastor Mark We are here the most important is to tell you not to join a christianity but to know the Lord We need 3 good Good morning Good mood Good character We know all 3 need to be good. We relax and don’t worry. We know all these we...

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Sermon Notes – Possess

Sermon Notes (3rd Svc) Pastor Lian Caleb was a young man. 85 years young man. What an amazing spirit imparted to us. Secret of Caleb stay young and receiving and possessing his possession. One nugget on possessing our inheritance. Children of Israel possessed that...

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Care Group Sermon Notes

  If you find you don’t seems to see light for the longest time, be expectance cos your harvest is near. 17 is the number of victory I forgot but the Lord heard. The Lord heard your prayers. The Lord remembers and He collect all our prayers and fufil. 19 is the...

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Welcome to the Inn

Sermon note (1st svc) Pastor Judah Smith Welcome to the Inn What is ahead of you is so great! God has incredible plan for your life! Luke 10:25-37 (ESV) The Parable of the Good Samaritan And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what...

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Youth Rally

Youth Rally ⁃ Pastor Judah Smith Our God is the God of all generation! God set people free, cause blind eyes to open, He will do the same tonight! They walk into the stadium, limping, but they left it all behind. Whatever challenges you have, physical or mental, we...

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Sermon note (1st svc) Pastor Prince You cannot judge based on the outward. There could be one crying inside you, could be someone struggling.  God is very concern over us prospering in every areas of our lives.  The word prosper is in the Bible.  I am jealous that...

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Blood of Jesus

Sermon Note (3rd svc) ⁃ Pastor Prince Young ones are exposed to things that the devil is not thinking they are too young for it. What makes you think they are too young to receive the Holy Spirit ? Benjamin Generation who will share the same mother. Joshua generation....

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Homecoming Huddles

Homecoming Huddles ⁃ Pastor Hee Jhun The 3D army came. In debt, distress, discouraged / discontented. The Lord does not forsake us or reject us. Even a bruise weed He would not break The Lord turned these 3D army into mighty men. This is what the presence of God does...

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Rapture Generation

Sermon note (4th svc) Pastor Prince There is a love that is not commercial. A love that the Lord gives and expect no return The church of Jesus Christ is make up of all kind of people who are born again. We are one new man in Christ Jesus We are not gentiles we are...

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How to be led by His Spirit

Sermon note (3rd svc) Pastor Prince When we are travelling, wherever we go, believers know Singapore because of us.  As long as we stand humble, His righteousness will exalt our nation! In history, nations fell morally  A gift of healing for you. There is someone who...

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Voice of grace

Voice of grace

Sermon note (3rd svc) Pastor Prince A young person on a blink of suicide is rescued. The world is a lost world. Jesus saw the people scattered and is full of compassion. They were like sheep without a shepherd.  This is how you see your friends. They are not purposely...

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Care group

Care Group  Benjamin  The Lord always know us face to face. He knows the numbers of hair on your head.  Matt 19:27 to 20:16 The difference is in how they believed.  Those that came early work the whole day were not happy. Sense of entitlement and sense of justice. ...

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Coming out stronger

Sermon note (1st svc) Pastor Prince Something happen when you set aside time for the Lord. You are basking in the presence of the Lord. God will speak to you  The life of Elijah, we tend to think that God will stay away from us when we are discouraged. God will not...

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