Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17, New King James Version(NKJV)
Single Initiative Huddle Sermon
Singles Initiative Huddle Pastor Hee Jhun The Lord will deposit something special in our lives. Ezekiel 34:25-26 “I will make a covenant of peace with them, and cause wild beasts to cease from the land; and they will dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in...
Do not give up
Encounter Night Pastor Joseph Purcell God is going to pour out a harvest in your life that you never seen before. He has a harvest of abundance for us in this year. It does not matter how the start of 2019 might look like. We will look back and rejoice of His...
Everlasting ℓσνє of God
Sermon Note (3rd svc) Pastor Prince The year of the latter rain. Spring rain and winter rain. Latter rain is spring rain. In the Message Bible, the early rain was said as winter rain. Since 2013, there was a record rainfall and since then there was 5...
Latter Rain Harvest
Sermon Note (4th service) Pastor Prince The faith that pleases God is the faith that believes He is a justifier God God still have an anger and judgement on all rebellion For the believers is nothing but ℓσνє for His children. All grace. Thank Him for who...
Care Group
Care Group The Year of the Latter Rain Revelation 19:6 And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, “Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Israel receives 2 types of...
Theme of the Year 2019
Sermon Notes (1st Svc) Pastor Prince Theme of the Year 2019 Hesed is the hebrew word for favour or grace. Wisdom is what we need. We don’t leave the theme when we leave the year. We add on to it. God’s desire for you to become fruitful. Your career,...
Thanksgiving Sermon
Sermon Note (4th svc) Pastor Prince In life there will always be ups and downs. Valley experiences and God is always merciful to give a mountain top experiences. The Lord has the posture with His hands raised ready to bless you. 2019 is not like the years...
Christmas Service
Pastor Prince Sermon Note (3rd svc) Christ was born in the Feast of Tabernacle. But He was conceived in Dec. It is wonderful to know the name of Jesus is sang, mentioned, and celebrated in Christmas season. Jesus Christ the Saviour is born. We should celebrate...
Sermon Note – Rev Col Stringer
Sermon Note (2nd Svc) Rev Col Stringer 2 Timothy 3:1-2 Perilous Times and Perilous Men But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,...
How to quickly receive your breakthroughs
Sermon Note (4th svc) Pastor Mark How to quickly receive your breakthrough House of God is a house of rest and ℓσνє of God. We want breakthroughs in our health, relationship, family life, financial and etc. 3 points- Jesus has done it all Fix your eyes on Jesus as...
Sermon Note – Grace of God
Sermon Note (1st Svc) Pastor Joshua McCauley It is not just about gathering in church to learn something but actually for a commissioning for you. If you desire God to do more in and through you, you are not by mistake here. God will use you mightily. It is in God’s...
Care Group
Care Group Benjamin God wants you to see provision multiply in your hands. Not to look at men God knows the level of faith and He is a personal God Faith and fear is the opposite Jesus is in control. The battle is Mine Don’t have to wait till situation is perfect. ...
Sermon Note – High Priest
Sermon Note (4th svc) Pastor Prince You don’t have to wait for God to move in the special way, we thank God when that happens we flow with that. This is not a motivational talk. Motivational talk is on you applying it. New Testament preaching is as the word is...
Sermon Note – Ask for Wisdom
Sermon Note (3rd Svc) Pastor Prince Whatever that is left behind at our home or workplace, Jesus takes care. Lets not forsake the assembly of ourselves in the house of the Lord At 11 on the 11th month, Jerusalem was delivered. The world entered the 11th hour. We are...
Care Group
Care Group Benjamin Ephesians 5:18-20 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for...
Sermon Note – Earnest Prayer
Sermon Note (4th svc) Pastor Prince In Encounter Night we talked about the Psalms of David. Christian books there are bible study books and teach u about bible. The one feeds your spirit, you spend time in devotional book. This is what devotional is about. A time...
Sermon Note
Sermon Note Pastor Lawrence God is a good God! Worship is a lifestyle. It begins when they are young. We are all created to be a worshipper. We are here is that our mouths are made to praise Him. Research on classical music - Classical music has positive effects. ...
Care Group
Care Group Benjamin Bold Faith! Numbers 27:4 Why should the name of our father be removed from among his family because he had no son? Give us a possession among our father’s brothers.” Numbers 27:5-7 So Moses brought their case before the Lord. And the Lord spoke to...
Sermon Note – Encounter Night
Sermon Note - Encounter Night Pastor Prince The anointing of God will destroy many yokes, set the captives free. Even the ones who are sick back home will be healed. Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs Why is there a categorisation ? Spiritual songs is spirit inspired...
Sermon note – compromise not
Sermon Note (4th svc) Pastor Prince The devil plays mind games with you. Our mind, that is where the battle field is. Anchored will anchor our mind with His peace. There is a place in Christ we can be anchored to the Rock. Put the Word of God everywhere. Raise up,...