Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17, New King James Version(NKJV)
Holy Spirit your GPS
Sermon Note (3rd svc) Pastor Mark We need to hear heavenly perspective. The world is burning up The young today are under a lot of stress Luke 21:25-28 The Coming of the Son of Man (Matt. 24:29–31; Mark 13:24–27) “And there will be signs in the sun, in the...
See the supply
Sermon Note (1st svc) You go into His presence you never leave the same. Corporate anointing you receive easier. Our part is to receive. The branch is the receiving part. Is the bearing part of the fruit. People see the blessings in our lives, the source is...
Sermon Note
Sermon Note (4th svc) All the time that you put in, the Lord will multiple the time He is not unrighteous to forget. Whatever time you put in, the Lord knows it. The mystery unveiled Only in Him can we see who we are. Our doing is...
Care Group
Care Group Benjamin Ashes is permanent and cannot be reversed. Fire is very often involved in many religions. God judgement over our lives is finished. The best time to remember it is when we fail big time. When we are judged. Men can do judge and do...
Sermon Note
Sermon Note (3rd svc) It is the year of the latter rain. It means harvest. Harvest is coming your way! During your harvest time don’t go to sleep. It is the time to possess, a time to take. How you look at God will determine the kind of life you will live. ...
Sermon Note
Sermon note (4th svc) Pastor Prince Jesus unveiled - Secrets from Moses’ 40 days The Law was given by Moses, truth came by Jesus Christ. The Law was given. Grace and truth came. When you come personally, it is very warm. It is something God did when...
Care Group
Care Group Benjamin Prosper through prophetic preaching Gather and hear God and it will be aligned to the Word. Within the preached Word, you will hear God’s personal word for you. The light of His Word can bring supernatural light into your situation...
How to let grace to flow in your life
Sermon Note (2nd svc) Pastor Mark How to let grace to flow in your life. Bethel when Jacob got revelation. Gate of heaven. When Jesus is in the midst, you can see how angels dispensing gifts among us. Gifts is all dispensing. It is so important that Christ...
In His light we see light
Sermon note (4th svc) You are all living stones. A stone a rock out there in the wilderness is just a rock. But when it is build together to become a house, it is living stone. Your life, there is a purpose. You are not born by accident. How you were formed...
Servant King
Sermon Note (1st svc) Pastor Lawrence God always have a heart for the widows. He is a Father to the fatherless. Our God is a good God. You are kings and priests of the most High God. Jesus Christ, the fairest of 10,000. Testimony - He was born in a...
Sermon Note (4th svc)
Sermon note (4th svc) Pastor Joseph Purcell If God calls you to be somewhere or do something, His grace is sufficient It is not about the size of your house but the atmosphere of your home. Children of God bring great joy to our Heavenly Father! Pastor...
Poem: Not a drop of logic
Absurd it sounds Nor a drop of logic For Only You Can ℓσνє like this —- For a God To come down from Your throne For a God To become a Man So that You can die for me —- What ℓσνє is this A God with tears For someone like me What ℓσνє is...
Noah – The Real Story
Sermon Note (1st svc) Pastor Prince Noah - The Real Story 13 April 2014 God will give you His very best. We are not going to settle for second best. When you talk about sinners, everyone are. None are good. We are need to be saved. Man measure themselves...
Sermon Note (4th svc)
Sermon Note (4th svc)Speaker : Dr Maryln HickeyGod brings people to your lives for reasons, seasons and lifetime! I believe i am getting a turnaround in my life. Retire is doing what you like! God has a miracle with your name on it. How to amaze...
Sermon Note (3rd svc) Preacher : Pastor Prince Everytime you come together, feel the corporate anointing. It is not about us. It is about the Lord. We build on church on these 3 tripods God is behind these foundation 1. Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ...
Care Group (78 Marine Drive)
Benjamin Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. Why is life and death in the power of the tongue? We are made in the image of God and when He spoke it happened. What is IT in “those who ℓσνє...
Sermon Note (1st svc)
Sermon Note (1st svc) Pastor Lawrence Holiness by Grace God has something amazing in store for you. He who wins souls is wise. When you pray, things happen. There is power in prayers. The bible is the word of the living word. Every prophesy come to...
Sermon note (chinese svc)
Sermon note (Chinese svc) Pastor Zoe Today is Mother’s Day! There is power in our tongues. Speak blessings to your mothers. I saw one interview. The theme is “i have something to say to my mother” They did not know their mothers are behind the scene...
Spirit of faith
Sermon note (1st svc) Pastor Prince When God anoints you, the things that are difficult will become easy. Mothers are special breed of people. ℓσνє them while we can. For all the mothers in the house, blessed mother’s day. There will be fresh...
Care Group
Care Group Benjamin Romans 9:30-33 Present Condition of Israel What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith; but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to...