Sermon Note

Pastor Prince

Heaven won’t be heaven if Christ is not there

Jesus is our Saviour. Bring to consciousness that Jesus is our Saviour in our worship

A Lamb without blemish

Bring your Lamb to God

The Father always loved His Son

God so loved us He gave His only begotten Son

When we bring His Son, God looks at His Son and not the offerer

Put your trust in Jesus

We live everyday

He wants to be remembered

As He is, so are we in this world

Jesus came in the flesh, died on the cross for us

The pleasure of our hearts to be reminded

Sometimes even before you pray, answers come.

When the Word goes forth, God heals

It has pleased God to save heal and restore

He was listening to Paul preached before he was healed

The foolishness of preaching is the preaching of gospel.

The world is not for Christ.

The more we talk about Jesus, the Father is pleased.

The first curse when Adam fell, upon the sweat of your face you will eat bread

Jesus at the age of 12 was at the Father’s house. He loves to be at the Father’s house

We are to be conformed with the image of Jesus

Of His fullness, we have all received. Grace for grace

Anti is not just against

Anti is also in the place of

Anti Christ is trying to imitate Christ

He is a force prophet. He is trying to take the place of Christ

Grace in the place of Grace

It is God’s way of saying, there is never a time grace stops flowing to you

God is powering all grace towards you

God gives us creation

God created creation to illustrate His Son

Your peace shall be like the waves of the sea

God ordained even in that, what is fruit for our eternal life. Christ crucified

Herbs, flowers are when they are crashed, it gives its fragrance

Things have to be destroyed to release the benefit for us

When you put the seed in the ground is the picture of burial

Seed buried as dead, sprout

We are eating resurrection everyday

Our bodies work on 7-days cycle

Rest of the soul

All your sins are forgiven. There is no more sin consciousness

He did not come to give us a religion. He come to give us life and life more abundantly

Come unto Me. To Jesus.

All you who are heavy laden, I will give you REST

Now you got the receipt

Live for the One who loves you so much

Live in heaven

Be heavenly minded so that you can be earthly good

We are forgiven of our sin

Their sin I will remember no more

Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me and you will find REST

Give you Rest

Find Rest

Yoke is always a teaching

My yoke is easy and my burden is light

Easy and light

The Lord tells us to do something, it is always easy and light

Don’t do what God has not graced you to do

God sees you the grace He gives you is not in vain

There is grace imparted.

You need to be anointed to serve God

Q: If you operate by grace in your business, how do you reward people?

Ans: Those who cannot perform we give them one year

Look at your works

Look at your result

If you use your grace there will be harvest

If you operate by grace there will be excellence

The grace of God is not in vain

You cannot say you are using grace but you don’t see result

Your grace gift is made in heaven

Grace gift to encourage people

Your works reflect if you are using grace

Work labour patience

Work of faith

Labour of love

Patience of hope

Happy employee produce happy result

He call people who are busy catching fish, collecting taxes. He call busy people

Joseph works to make Pharaoh wealthy

Money is a tool. It does not buy happiness and fulfilment

Blessings of the Lord is what we need

God rewards us for using the grace He gave us

When you are standing at the judgement seat of Christ is whether you use the grace He gave us

Every believers is standing at the judgement seat of Christ in our glorified bodies looking at the things we do

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