Sermon Note

Pastor Prince

The Word will keep your healing and give you abundant life

Those who are believing God for a child, there is a special anointing for you

We need anointing for miracles like this

Faith without work is dead

Thank God for exercise, medication

Every good and perfect gift is from above

Good refers to the world, that includes medication

God is always dispensing His gift

Put your eyes on the Lord

God’s way of healing through Jesus was various as well

There is a time to pray and a time to obey

When the armies of Pharaoh was after the Israelites, Moses cried to the Lord

God asked him to step forward

Psalms 105:37

He also brought them out with silver and gold, And there was none feeble among His tribes.

The night before, they took the Passover. The Lord’s supper

If a shadow can do this for them, how much more the substance

Do this in remembrance of Me

God provides more than enough

He provided until the people were full.

12 basketful leftover!

He brought them out with silver and gold

  • Wealth

Why did God put this verse there?

There is no health and wealth gospel

There is grace gospel

Salvation in its totality

God is under thank and we are over blessed

We received the Word

God gave them manna

A lot of people don’t really understand what is the gospel

Repentance can be unconscious

I am not ashamed to preach the gospel of Christ. In it the righteousness of faith renewed

Gospel is justification by faith

The stars were like sun

God tells the numbers of stars and He called them by names

Jesus was not dragged. He went forth

God loves men while men was still unlovedl

Our bodies

Lilies clothing comes from inside

Are you not of more value than one bird

Lillies die younger than you. God cares for our health

God ordained the smell can only be released when we crash it

Jesus is our meal offering

He is like fine flour.

There is royalty in His servanthood

Romans 5:19

For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.

Character in the bible is a fruit

The fruit of the spirit

Grow in grace

Grow in the soil of grace

Planted in grace


God is law, demand and demand

God gave the church pastor and teachers

You ought to spend your time in the bible before you read other books

God sent Elijah to a woman who is not a jews

God sent him there to be a blessing to her and her family

We are so quick to say there is only a little flour

5 loaves and 2 small fish

What are they among so many?

Jesus said bring it to Me

Companies grow big to be a greater influence! Prosper without trying to prosper

Elijah wanted the woman to prosper

Sow first and there is harvest

You tithe where the presence of God is

Tithing is God’s principle. This is only for God’s people

She already knew Elijah was coming

Elijah said fear not, bring me the bread first and you and your child will eat many days

God’s Word is pure and concentrated

As the rain comes down, so shall my Word be

Get started in the Word

Man said be healed! If man does not confirm the voice, release it

God has ordained that He will do it with us.

We are co-labourers with God

God chooses people who know the grace of God. Been to hell and saved out of it

The grace of God was sent to Paul to open his eyes

Grace is unearned undeserved favour

Overcoming sin must be through the gospel of Jesus Christ

You need to bring Christ out of every situation

Abraham gave up his son

When it becomes an addiction it needs to be dealt with. But it is not Abraham give up his son

God is referring to His own Son

God so loved the world He gave up His only Son

The son carried the wood on the back and went up to Abraham and asked where is the lamb. Abraham said God will provide the lamb Himself

The Lamb is a picture of Jesus Christ. He will send His Son

Jesus went forth and tied His legs and put on the cross.

Everytime the bible repeated the name twice, pay attention to it.

God is the priority in His life

The offering must be a picture of Jesus Christ. Sinless and without blemish

Rams are not stupid. That is why they can live until so old

Offer without blemish.

The Son that He loves

Abraham did not without his son. God knows he loves Him

The Word of God is full of esteem of you. Find your identity in Christ

Is Jesus’ obedience that bring us righteous

Anything point to us, the result is not eternal.

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