of Glory

Be the king and priest of who I have made you
Crowns I have given
You I have purchased
By my blood
Love I love you
By my life
Do not live the life of failure you were
Put on the crown I have given you as a gift
Put on the crown of glory I have crowned you
Live out who I said you are
You, my dear, are the righteousness of God in Me
Fear not,
Fret not,
For I am in you
Fear not,
Fret not,
For my life is in you
Live out the life I have given you
Shine out the glory I have put on you
People see My glory in you
Failure you are not
king and priest I have made you
Trust in Me
Trust in the King of your life
You belong to Me, my beloved
No one can claim you
You belong to Me, my dear
Put on the crown and glorify Me