Chinese Sermon Note
Pastor Mark
Only when you hear God’s Word, all will be changed.
Your life you are in control
When you are born again, your life is different.
Even though your lifestyle externally did not change, but our souls destination is what we are concern.
Our bodies is in this earth. When we are born again, we don’t die. We as believers we sleep. When we sleep we will be awake. When we are awake we wake up in heaven.
We are born again as children of God.
We are away from hell and punishment. Jesus has taken for us
No one can escape
Jesus loves us. He came to earth to save us.
God loves man and even sent us His Son
God opened heavenly door for us through Jesus so that we can enjoy His blessings.
We go into His ℓσνє.
Lie in His bosom is heavenly.
Even though our external is the same, but our souls are reborn
Jesus is the world light. We belong to Jesus
We know whatever happen on earth we can rest assured He has settled for us.
Jesus has conquered all for us
Jesus’ name means Saviour
He loves us deeply without condition.
We know whatever situation we are facing, He is in control for us
Whatever we listen will affect us
We are in the world but not of the world. We are set apart by God
When we listen His Word, we will receive from God His blessing
Whatever problem we face, we know problem is not big, Jesus is the biggest
Jesus tell us to rest assure, He will take care for us
We are conscious that Jesus is with me
So we don’t need to be afraid
Jesus loves me. This is so important to be in our heart
Jesus is Lord of life
When we face problem, say to ourselves, don’t be afraid, I have Jesus
We belong to Jesus. All our problems are not big, Jesus is the biggest.
Our hearts must believe Jesus loves us
Only those who believed in Christ are victorious
Jesus came not to punish us but to save us.
We can rest assured
The more you believe Jesus loves you, you are not in bad luck
Faith overcome feeling
Even though you listen doctor’s report, if you keep staying at home and listen to doctor’s report, you will be miserable.
When we keep asking ourselves why why, we cannot think through and we are miserable.
Listen to God’s Word, what we listen can change our life
What we hold tightly to, is very important. If we hold tightly to doctor’s bad report, we are doomed.
Hold tight to God’s Word and proclaim.
Proclaim God’s Word in our lives.
Jesus overcame death for us. He died and resurrected !
We choose to believe Jesus and depend on Jesus and stand up.
When we hold on to God’s Word, we will be released of our problems.
I believe and i speak
Our lives is prosperous
Our future, Jesus has given us abundant life
When there is sunlight, go out and walk. Walk with Jesus