[Chewing…🙌🏼🤤 Devotional]
The fragrance of the myrrh is produced when the tree is cut or wounded. Then its life juice flows from its veins to spread its perfume far and wide (extract from ℓσνє is better than wine book)
Myrrh is bitter in taste. Jesus took the bitterness on the cross to turn the bitter water to sweet water for us!
Jesus was the Tree of Life. He was cut and wounded so that His life juice flows from its veins and we are the branches. He is the Vine. Behold Jesus and the fragrance of His life flows out!
Cluster of henna when in full blossom, grows in dense profusion and symbolise life, abundance and strength
The original word for henna is kopher, the term used for atonement❗️ wow❗️
Myrrh showed Jesus’ death on the cross.
Henna showed Jesus’ resurrection for our justification! Atonement!
Beloveds, Jesus is our Lover. His ℓσνє for us is better than wine.
See Mary chosen the good part which Jesus so approved of.
Mary took the very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair.
Beloveds, as we gather in His banqueting house, His banner over us is ℓσνє!
Enjoy Jesus, the One who died to give us His fragrance, His life, and the One who resurrected to atone for us. He loved us with His life!
(Song of Solomon 1:12-14, John 12:3)
#JesusMyLover #SS #bannerovermeislove #HisWingz