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Acknowledging we are one as husband and wife is of God. Not of the world. 

At the end of the sermon, husband and wife hold each other and receive the blessings. 

Yachid is complete in him/herself. When a couple come together is not incomplete to come together to be complete. Both are complete and come together and start their lives as one. 

When there is agreement between husband and wife, there is power. 

Why do we go to church?



The early church when they come together, they gathered to break bread! 

The early church got so much miracles! 

The “real deal” to come together is holy communion. Through the feasting and the meal, they are taken seriously. 

God prepared a table for us. He prepared mansion for us! 

Gathering of the saints and breaking of breads are strongly emphasis in the early church. 

We are still beginning to understand the revelation of how God is. 

Solomon asked for wisdom and hearing heart is the key why he was blessed. He wanted to contribute to the kingdom of God. 

How can God’s people to be as poor as church mouse. Poverty is a mentality. Whatever we have, always see we have more than enough. 

One day we do not need to look when we spend. 

My heart’s desire is when we go to a place to eat, we don’t need to see how much we have. 

A preacher was driving a $100,000 car. Someone scolded the preacher why he drive an expensive car. 

It is about choice. Do we believe God gives us authority in this earth? We can speak in our lives and in someone’s life. 

Dun wait till we are in prayers than ask for prayers. Prayers are even when we are well, we pray!

It is not about the price of the car. It is about a good God i have and the choice. 

Even the food we eat we can be bounded 

Or even things that we censored 

We do have a land we are to tend to. 

Usually is our career. 

When we find we cross that line, than we need to ask God for favour and prayer. 

Blessed to be a blessing. 

Pray ourselves up. 

Believing for breakthrough in financial 

It depends what has God called you to do. 

It is always in that light. 

You are where you are because God has placed you there. 

If you are faithful with the little, more will be given. 

God’s heart is always people and relationship. 

If the Lord prompts you to do something, listen to Him. 

Luke 8:5,8,11,15

The seed is the Word of God

Luke 8:15

But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience.

Good ground -> finished work of Christ

By His stripe, His body was ploughed for His Word (seed) to be planted. 

How do you sow the seed in your life?

Holy Communion

How do we persevere in our Christian journey despite disappointment?

Worship the Lord

God make you an instrument that you can sing! Worship the Lord

Hear the Word of God for seed to be sowed in our lives. 

Pray. Talk to Abba everyday. As often as you can. 

Opening the bible and just reading it. It has a cleansing effect. 

Having friends (eg CG) who journey with us in our walk in prayers and worship

Go to church even when you don’t feel like it. Obey. Allow your will to be bent. 

Unless Jesus comes up, it is futile too. 

God will reward us always. Either from the sermon or change our circumstances. 

Allow the Lord to cause the circumstances to change. 

Allow the seeds to be sown. 

Romans 12:12

rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;

Matthew 6:6

But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

Talk to Him in private. 

You can tell Him anything and everything. 

You know how i feel. Tell Him! Open the way, open the door. 

Pray to your Father in private. 

Speak the Word of God over ourselves everyday

There is power in your word. 

Than your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. 

Every morning pray. 

Declare today is a happy and joyous day! We shall taste the fruit of our labour! We will find favour

Declare the day!

Lean on God and do for Him! 

How do you sow your seeds in your family’s lives?

No point being a public success but a success in progress privately. 

Develop a taste of God

Saviour of the World 

Discipline your children but reaffirm them after that. Pray over your children. 

Prayers start in the morning and end with the day. 

James 5:7-8

Be Patient and Persevering

Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.

Daniel prayed a prayer for God to help

God is always with you and He will never be late. 

Early and latter rain. 

When there is seed there is fruit. 

Sow seed in your heart first. 

God’s promises in His word is described as the fruit that is born after the seed of God’s. 

Guard your heart. Your heart is for the seed of God. 

We are now temple of God. God is now in us. 

When we sow the seed, we are sowing in His finished work. 

We are the temple of God. Outer court, holy place, holy of holies

Holy of holies – Spirit man

Holy place – Soul realm

Outer court – Body

Allow our soul realm to be submitted to Him

Through the spirit comes out to the body. 

Believe that we are praying things that are not as though they were until they go to the outer court. 

Ezekiel 34:26

I will make them and the places all around My hill a blessing; and I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing.

Hebrews 10:25

not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

The oil for your deliverance, for anointing and for joy is first mentioned in Bethel, which literally means the House of God. (Genesis 28)

First mention for anointing and joy is in the house of God. 

We go to the house of God for more joy and for more anointing. 

Anointing means influence. 

We go in and we allow ourselves to be anointed. 

Allow the Word of God to be in our hearts. 

We are also sowing our time in the house of God. 

Keep yourself in the ℓσνє of God in the ℓσνє of your Abba your heavenly Father. 

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

It is amazing who spoke this. Jesus spoke it. Jesus was talking about Himself. 

He was actually the One whom His Father will give to the enemy’s hands so that they can be saved. Jesus was the elder brother in Luke 15. 

John 17:10

And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them.

He allowed the Father to crown us and give us the clothe of righteousness because He gave Himself for us. That is the extent He will ℓσνє us. 

We will enjoy everything 

The ℓσνє of God shed in our hearts.

Walk with God. 

Enoch walked with God. 

Noah walked with God. 

Elijah walked with God. 

Joseph walked with God. 

Personal relationships with the Lord

Personal walk with God is precious. 

Joseph was a foreigner but he walked with God. 

Personal walk with God. 

Our Father make sure we are rewarded openly. 

ℓσνє is the most powerful weapon. 

Against the devil, against even our own flesh. 

ℓσνє, the ℓσνє of God that is perfected in us. 

God i want to feel Your ℓσνє increasingly. 

It is from that place itself that the power flows. 

Because of grace we can have confident expectation that God will bless us. 

The word of righteousness taught to us when we grow up. 

Stand under Him. 

Galatians 4:6-7

And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Sonship. Abba Father is not far from us. 

We don’t just have the right standing with God. 

Righteousness, God wants us very close to Him. 

This kind of Father and Son’s ℓσνє 

We are more than the righteousness of God, we are the sons of God

Ask the Father to show you. Be honest, be thorough and ask Abba to show you how much He loves you. He will. 

Enlargement is not easy and is painful but He will give u anointing to it. It will be easy. 

He is your Father. He surely will give us. 

Make your ℓσνє real to me. 

I want to be embraced by Your ℓσνє. 

Father come into the situation and be a Daddy to me. Run to Him like a child. 

Jesus has came to unveil. 

When we are in the ℓσνє of God, nothing can come against us. 

Pray and have prayer journal. 

In the morning i pray to the Lord and in the evening I praise Him. 

Pray and record and go back to it. 

The Lord hears me all the times and very accurately. 

Psalm 42 and 43 ended with discouraging verse. 

Why are you so cast down?

The Lord will help our countenance again. 

Read whatever that can lift us up. 

Asking is talking. Talk naturally to our Father. 

Remember Jesus; your elder Brother, your Saviour, your Friend, your Lamb, your King, your real Boss, your true ℓσνє. Meditate on Him. His Person and His finished work for you. 

Things will turn around. He is more real than anything or anyone. 

He is the real Comfort! 

Be cross conscious. Jesus on the cross. 

Remember all the times the Lord has delivered you. Record your prayers. Record your own testimonies 

God is asking our hearts to be satisfied with Him. 

It is more important that you have joy. 

Pray over yourselves than pray over others. 

It must exceed the numbers of times u pray for others. 

You receive and you give! 

Romans 8:38-39

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow – not even the powers of hell can separate us from the ℓσνє of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Nothing as steadfast as the ℓσνє of God. It is the most powerful thing we have. 

We want to know He loves us. 

We are success in progress. 30 fold, 60 fold, 100 fold

The ℓσνє of God. Everyday enjoy the ℓσνє of God. We are loved first. 

Record your prayers. 

Think about the ℓσνє of God. 

Embrace yourself in the ℓσνє of God in all that you do. 

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