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Sermon Note Pastor Prince A teacher loves to break down the words You have a passion and desire towards a certain assignment. That is where your gifting is Pray about it. God knows the kind of friends and influence your child is under. Whatever habits your...
Sermon Note
Sermon note Pastor Prince God spared not His own Son but gave Him up for us all. He gave up His Son, the Son He loves for us all. Pride. Selfishness. Self-righteousness. These are worst. Lucifer fell because of pride Michael is war fare arch angel. If you see...
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Sermon note Pastor Lawrence I am the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd gives His life to the sheep. He wants you to enjoy life. The greatest gift any man can receive is the gift of righteousness God’s heart is to bless you that you may be a blessing. Matthew...
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Sermon Note Pastor Prince The oldest book in the Bible, the book of Job Bible is a book about our Saviour and God’s love for us. The book of Job said that the moon shines not. In the ancient they looked at the night sky, they see the moon shining. He tells the...
Sermon Note – Bible app
Sermon Note Pastor Darren The Lord is here. He knows your unique situation. The Lord knows what you are anxious about, concern about. Maybe it is just your concern of your future We can create the utility but our vision is for you to jump into the Word. 2 Chronicles...
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