East Campus Sermon Note

East Campus Sermon Note

Care Group Ministry Sermon Note Pastor Matthew God wants to heal tonight. What was the first word spoke in 2023? God is going to heal minds. Start thinking young and looking young and dressing young. You receive to give old age to name. God renews your youth like...
Blessings of Abraham

Blessings of Abraham

Sermon Note Pastor Prince The Lord has laid something on my heart. I am seeing more and more for the lack of understanding this, people are suffering and not able to receive the provision of Christ. For the most part it affects people’s ability to receive from God...
Blessings of Abraham


Sermon Note Pastor Lian Hope! If you don’t want to be disappointed, HOPE! Hope does not disappoint. When we know the holy spirit has poured out, shared upon, profusely gashing into our heart! We know the love and so sure of His love, we know we will never be...
Perfect love cast out fear

Perfect love cast out fear

Sermon Note Pastor Mark It is so important to continue to have renewal of our mind. Out of all these come the abundance of our mouth Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure...
Expedition Promise Land [Sermon Note]

Expedition Promise Land [Sermon Note]

Expedition Promise Land [Sermon Note] Pastor Prince Right at the heart of holy of holies is God’s grace You find the Word of God in your wilderness. God would lead people like David to hear the Word of God Jesus is driven by the spirit into the wilderness to give the...