Christmas Sermon

Pastor Prince

It was Christmas that Pastor sensed God’s presence. When he walked in, he did not know what church life supposed to be like. He was told that he would receive Christmas presents in Christmas.

The song Silent Night, Pastor sensed God’s presence

We believe in the Person. The Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He takes every tears and put them into the bottle.

He who numbered the stars and He created the stars and called them by names and healed the broken hearts

He did not love us from a distance. He came down.

John 1:17 AMP

17 For the Law was given through Moses, but grace [the unearned, undeserved favor of God] and truth came through Jesus Christ.

We are lost. Persuing things that we think can satisfy us

We are made with God’s shape vacuum inside of us.

A man who was a shepherd who lost one sheep. He left the 99 to find the 1 that was lost.

Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not lack

He restores my soul

God wanted grace and truth. Not the law given to Moses

Ever since Adam sin, sin is in our hearts

The more you tell someone don’t, the more they do the don’t

The law is perfect. It is holy and righteous but it cannot make us perfect

All shall know Me from the least to the greatest

The emphasis is on the Lord


If you are lost, the Lord will find me and celebrate me when He found me

The new covenant is ALL GOD!


I will be merciful to your unrighteous, your sin I will remember no more

All of us have sin

If you hate someone is murder in God’s eyes

God judges sin at the heart

King David is old covenant man with new covenant mentality

Christianity is not a religion. It is what Christ has done

When God stood. If He never stood, none of us would be saved.

Jesus stood down to write on the ground

I am the One who wrote the law.

How many times did God give the 10 commandments?


When someone breaks the law, you bring a lamb

The blood covers sin

There is only one with sinless and royal blood, that is Jesus

Mary came from the line of David

All His blood came from the Father

God has to become a Man

He cannot die as God

It does not matter how bad you are, it is about how good your lamb is

Divine exchange

This is what happened to us at the cross when Jesus died

Jesus was not killed. He laid down His life

His blood will wash away all our sins whiter than snow.

My God My God why have You forsaken Me

He cried why have you forsaken Me

What God sees is reality

God sees us righteous forever

God resurrected on 3rd day and walked out of His tomb

Because Jesus lives, we will live also

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